WeWriWa—Family histories


Welcome back to Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday, weekly Sunday hops where writers share 8–10 sentences from a book or WIP. This week’s snippet picks up where last week’s left off, after Violetta told Igor he must be of Russian descent with a name like that. As they begin talking a bit about their family histories, Violetta suddenly realizes their potential family connection.

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“Guilty as charged.  I was born in America, but my parents, grandparents, and oldest sister immigrated from Russia after the Revolution.”

“I’m Russian–American too.  My mother’s family came here just before the First World War, and my father’s family arrived a bit before that.  Are you a native New Yorker, or just here for school?”

“I was born in New York, but I moved to Minnesota with my mother when I was six weeks old.” Igor clenches his teeth when he thinks about the circumstances of their leaving New York and arriving in Minnesota. “We still come back regularly to see family and friends.  My brother Ilya and I are living with our great-aunt and great-uncle.”

Violetta’s eyes widen, and she sits back slightly.

18 thoughts on “WeWriWa—Family histories

    1. She’s mostly scared because she realizes she knows Igor’s older brother Fedya, who most certainly knows she had polio. Violetta needs to make sure Fedya didn’t tell his little brothers any personal details about her, or else her attempt at starting over at university is for nothing.

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    1. They’re not related, though their families know one another from way back. Igor’s two oldest siblings and a few other members of his extended family are good friends with Violetta’s family, and the blood father of Igor’s oldest sister has quite a history with Violetta’s family, to say the least.


  1. That’s certainly not the reaction he’s hoping for, I bet. I saw your explanation above, so I hope the brother hasn’t told him, or that he can reassure her he doesn’t care. Great snippet!


  2. Uh oh. See that’s the thing–one’s past will always come back to haunt you. Sounds like it’s finally time for her to deal with the emotions she went through?


  3. I’m curious not just about her reaction, but also his when he thinks about why they left New York and went to Minnesota — I’m very curious about that back story.


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