Horny Hump Day—Valentina and Rodya

Warning:  Not safe for work or appropriate for those under 18!

Welcome back to Horny Hump Day, where participants share 3 erotic sentences from a book or WIP. This week’s snippet comes a few lines after last week’s. Young couple Valentina and Rodya broke up for a month because of their misguided guilt over having gone all the way before marriage, but finally got back together. Valentina’s family was modern and understanding enough to go out for the afternoon to give the couple some privacy.

After enjoying some makeup sex, Valentina runs into a little problem she had the first time they made love. Fortunately, she’s got a boyfriend who might know how to remedy this!


Afterwards, Valentína clenches her fists and tenses her muscles, awash in some sort of unrelieved tension.  As nice as it felt to be so physically close to Ródya, it feels like something’s blocked inside her.  It feels so unfair for a woman’s intimate pressure to not be relieved as easily and quickly as a man’s.

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