Horny Hump Day—Valentina and Rodya

Warning:  Not safe for work or appropriate for those under 18!

Welcome back to Horny Hump Day, where participants share 3 erotic sentences from a book or WIP. This week’s snippet picks up where last week’s snippet left off. Young couple Valentina and Rodya have been scared by The War of the Worlds radio broadcast on Halloween Eve 1938, and are convinced this is their last night on Earth.  Things have by now become extremely hot and heavy.

Rodya speaks to his girlfriend in her native language Ukrainian, calling her “my flower.” It really means a lot to her that he’s taken the time to learn her language, in spite of the similarities between Russian and Ukrainian.


“That feels so good, móye kvitka,” he breathes as she caresses his most sensitive flesh. “You really know how to make a guy feel good.  I wish we had more than one night left together.”

6 thoughts on “Horny Hump Day—Valentina and Rodya

  1. All your heroes are very sweet. And Rodya is no exception. From learning her language to making love on their “last day on earth,” he’s a keeper in any language. 🙂


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